Monday, February 14, 2011

shadows...that dance with mind

Shadows that made my mind dance
that made me chase the light
that made me appreciate the forms and shapes of life
In appreciation of the almighty,the sun god..
A poem which keep on repeating in my mind,when i take my camera to shoot the shadows

Where shadows chase light

This is my delight,
thus to wait and watch at the wayside
where shadow chases light
and the rain comes in the wake of the summer.

Messengers, with tidings from unknown skies,
greet me and speed along the road.
My heart is glad within,
and the breath of the passing breeze is sweet.

From dawn till dusk I sit here before my door,
and I know that of a sudden
the happy moment will arrive when I shall see.

In the meanwhile I smile and I sing all alone.
In the meanwhile the air is filling with the perfume of promise.

Rabindranath Tagore
that allures me ...
love the feel
blurdness and clarity of the shadows

the chair
betel leaf and wooden shades
this takes my breath away
the forms and shapes ,i love them all...hope you all love them...


  1. Wow, simply wow. Each one is better than the last. Where have you been hiding these beauties! You're on a creative streak it seems. So glad to share a bit of your world.

  2. Thanks shalini and tati for your lovely comments.
    shalini:u think i am on a creative journey.thanks dear for the appreciation...beauties,thanks dear..

  3. Greetings from Southern California

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    God bless you :-)



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