Monday, March 23, 2009

An early Morning Walk,I saw yellow!

 “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day,” said American philosopher Henry David Thoreau.
I agree, so this morning walked through the lovely streets near my home in Delhi and noted the sights and smells and sounds of spring.
On my way to the park, I noted many sights along the way.
In a parks centre were, the vibrant yellow of the trumpet bells glowing in the early morning sun. Looming over me was one of the pretty yellow flowers. It was truly a feast for the eyes along my way.

Then I spotted another shower of yellow flowers of Cassia.Masses of bright gold flower clusters appear on almost every branch.

I felt very happy seeing these beautiful yellow ones.Yellows were making me vibrant and happier.
As I went back home,thoughts of having an orange juice was overwheming.As I was cutting ,I realized it to be golden yellow.

I made the juice and a look towards my table just startled me,the roses were definitely yellow.

My thoughts quieted, I came to appreciate the “blessing” that Thoreau said would come to me this day.


  1. How lovely!! I've been a bit lazy for about more than a month now.. and havent gone for my morning walks.. May be I should try and the yellow / gold will shine my day as well.. Fab pictures!!

  2. Thanks Patricia for your lovely comments.Try a morning walk ,it will definitely make your day.Nice to hear that you loved the pictures.

  3. Wonderful photos Lakshmi! Yes, it is a blessing to see beauty around you! It's been so dusty here (as Patricia knows too) that I've not been able to go for my morning walks, but you're constantly inspiring me!

  4. Thanks Shalini,as always nice to know that you like the photos.Lots more photos of different colours being compiled.Will definitely put it.Its not yet summer.Starting from April will definitely be summer.Mornings are cool now.

  5. WOW, thats a lovely photo post :)


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