Thursday, April 24, 2014

Enveloped In Green!

As Dallas says..Like an old guitar worn out and left behind i have stories still to tell and they are of the healing kind!

I think of all of you in varieties of the colour green. Green is what is enveloped me at this very moment. Being green and thinking green is a process and not status. "We need to think of green as a verb and  not as an adjective"..Daniel Golman

Childhood, farming and agriculture went hand in hand for us..the farming practices at my fathers home were always looked at with generosity and eagerness. The early morning walks into the paddy fields were always loved. Loved the songs that were sung at the time of threshing the grains, sowing the grains and harvesting them. Alas only if i had a camera with me at that time..But they are all captured in the inner mind!

I always thought that might have paved the way for me to enter an agriculture field with no difficulties. Eventually work forced my parents to migrate in to the urban land leaving the country side..But within the limited spaces there also we as a family tried to incorporate plants at various levels in our life, for comfort and for study. My Amma had been an inspiration all throughout for the undying love towards her plants in her profession too.

Here i live miles away from my Delhi,where the vagaries of the climate plays a major role, where some flowering plants were the only solace in the balconies and the terrace areas..But last autumn, i tried to reduce the flowering plants and started growing some vegetables. Trying something in a foreign environment had  its own failures. But at present we have some little greens to enjoy in the balcony and i am wrapped in a green envelope..Still my farming mind wants me back to get back to soil and cultivate and go back to my roots, which i think i will eventually do.

Get inspired, grow your own food, Vote for sustainability and Organic gardening and Living life the Sustainable way.

I am now Trying, Teaching and Encouraging all kinds of initiatives that will create a green eco-friendly environment at home :)-for the betterment of us and our children!

Let it be good for you and good for the Planet! —

beauty of the bittergourd flowers

dhaniya's in a corner of the room

its all green!

a daily dose of greens..little is joy 

on the centre table..what a joy

its a joy to find these this morning:)-

the organic way..the face scrub from Krya

All images ideas Lakshmi Arvind

please do not copy images..
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