Tuesday, December 29, 2015

These last days of the year:)-

These last days of the Year.

The perfect time to look back upon a year that went by: the year 2015.
Taught me happiness in healing the mind-body way, the year that gave me strength to face any condition with a little spiritual awakening.
I heal as I fill with gratitude for my blessings..Susan Barbera

The simple things mean the most to me even today. I love life deeply and think deeply about it. Life's lessons taught me to let go of what I can't change and in life everything need not be perfect,be happy and just breathe:)-   I have let go things to take time to change themselves:)-

2015 also showed me rain,flowers,travel,love and light..Some things I deeply love :)-
If you love something love completely,,Love too much..Say what you need to say a little more. Don't hold yourself. There isn't anything better than love.

I truly wish the best in everything for my loving readers ..blessings,good health ,a lot of light and a bunch of love.

                                 The best of winter moments from our home:)-

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