A month and no posts.
Although it sounds like a lot of time.I have been very much here,enjoying the Onam that went passed by,the rains in delhi ,the sunshine,the hills as always,the alarms that rang at six,the home works,my one year old..
Onam ..time the yummy payasams ,the banana leaf,the whole spread,the flowers..
It rained during Onam..but i loved it when it rained
Rains,Love and Memories:)-it rained in Jaipur too..when we went
The bouquet of sunshine on my balcony
The soft rolling hills,the sea of mists,the lakes,the whispering deodars,the cosmos,the fall and the fragrance of the hills..
The magical landscape and so much more to all of you...
Images and Ideas:Lakshmi Arvind
Please do ask permission before you use my images..