Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Sincerely Nowadays its lack of time,its not that i do not take photos,but blogging ..time constraint.With two little ones,hope people like me exist.And if i do get time to,i get immersed in my photo folders,trying to select the best shots and sit hours reading other blogs,reading some poetry,some phrases,some quotes,in search of the best title and sometimes,it really gets to me so much at times..While trying to write  i do get interrupted many times,it all a way of life..the offline life..

As we walked through the streets in Delhi ,the numerous shots we took,the beauty we imbibed,the spring we saw.In appreciation of the beauty around us.


  1. amazing shots. last one was superb

  2. Hello, this is my first comment - greetings from Woodbridge, Virginia, USA. I am about 20 miles south of Washington DC.

    I love your blog. The images are absolutely wonderful and every time I visit, it is like a mini-vacation. Thank you so much for sharing your world.

  3. thanks jidhu and marieanne for the lovely words and encouragement.


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